Melinda’s Thoughts 07/10/2023

Hello. I discovered something I thought you might want to know about. I was going through our checklist at a Supervisory Visit and the fire extinguisher our Client had in her home was small and something that could realistically be used. We usually see the big red canister fire extinguishers. However, they are big and so may be stored in the garage. This small fire extinguisher can fit under the kitchen sink. I purchased a small fire extinguisher and then noticed that Amazon now sells a set that includes a small fire extinguisher and a Fire Blanket. Great combination!  Interesting Fact: Did you know you lose a liter of fluid a day just by breathing. Now add activity or a lot of talking and your fluid loss goes up even more. Then it turns into summer and you are sweating in the heat losing even more water. Be sure to get enough fluids to keep you from getting dehydrated. Keep track. You may be surprised how little you drink! About No Worries: We are so excited to welcome back 3 Caregivers: June, Trisha and Whitney. Take Care. Melinda