Melinda’s Thoughts 04/17/23

Hello. Healthline reported research showing the Japanese tradition called “Forest Bathing” (Shinrin-yoku), of spending time in forests while mindfully using all five senses to connect with nature, can significantly reduce stress, cortisol levels, and depression symptoms. We are fortunate in Oregon to have forests but in our office the coast seems to bring about relaxation and happiness. Jim and I went to the coast 2 weeks ago for our Anniversary, Caitlin went this last weekend for her Birthday, and Melissa is going on Friday to relax. Perhaps it is driving through the forest to get to the coast that also adds to the experience! Congratulations Amina on your 14th Anniversary providing outstanding care at No Worries. Thank you, Melinda

Melinda’s Thoughts 04/03/23

Hello. I found the coolest thing by accident. It is Talking Point Cards. It is a wonderful way to have great conversations. When I was driving my grandchildren to school, I wanted to learn more about them and found some questions for first dates…obviously not the best but it did give me ideas. Talking Point Cards. Jim and I tried them out and we are going to try them out with friends this weekend at the coast. Congratulations to Maria for 20 years of Caregiving with No Worries! Maria has outstanding skills and a gentle, kind heart. Thank you! Melinda