Melinda’s Thoughts 01/23/23

Hello. We recently attended the Memorial of a friend at Willamette National Cemetery. We were amazed at all the people. Friends had come from all over Oregon, from Idaho and even Florida. It occurred to me that our friend surely had no idea he was so loved, appreciated, and missed. I reflected on these thoughts and at the same time remembered when our daughter wrote a note a day letting someone know they were appreciated. When I started No Worries, I wanted everyone to feel valued and appreciated and we have programs in place to do that. After attending the Memorial, I have been reminded of how important this is. Take Care. Melinda

Melinda’s Thoughts 01/09/23

Hello. I watched videos of people sliding and falling when they tried to walk on the ice. There is a trick. In fact, we have a photo of Jim’s Dad walking on the ice, carrying his shoes. That is the trick. Your socks will stick to the ice and you won’t fall. Put your socks over your shoes or walk in your socks. Planner mania. I know we live in a day and age of technology but sometimes the old ways work and for me having a planner has really helped. I feel that with COVID we all became reactionary. I have been responding for 2 years to uncertainty and a lot of illness. It is time to take control back! I feel like I focused on immediate challenges without the system to plan for what is important to me. This is the year to get back on track with meaningful planning for what I want to have happen this year. First, I had to figure that out, visualize it, and then write it/picture it on a Vision Board and look at that daily. If I do, I know I will have a really fantastic year. I am also excited to look back over last year and write down all the good things that happened. So many! I have decided to focus on the positive and throw out negative thoughts as soon as my brain thinks them. Nothing good comes from negativity. Living in gratitude transforms and gives energy. I am going to buy a purse that will hold my planner. I am taking it everywhere with me. For me it represents power to have the life I want. Congratulations No Worries! It is our 26th Anniversary. My dream 26 years ago was to start a company whose motto was to Care for our Clients and Care for each other. It is amazing to think of all the people…both Clients and Caregivers…that we have helped over the years. Thank you! Take Care, Melinda

Melinda’s Thoughts 12/26/22

Hello. Kindness at anytime of the year is a special thing but yesterday, on Christmas, it touched my heart. The power had been out at our house most of Christmas Eve and then in the evening the water main broke. Crews were out working on it through the night. It was extremely cold. Christmas morning our neighbor, Jen, stopped their festivities to make a homemade breakfast for the crews who were sitting in their trucks waiting for a pipe to be delivered so they could finish the repair. Jen has small children, and I am sure they were anxious to open presents. Jen gave them the best gift of all in taking time to do something for others that was so appreciated on a cold winter morning. I have a mother like that. When we talk about our favorite Holiday memories, mine are always the times my parents found people in need to help. Thank you Caregivers…and Stacy… for braving the bad weather to get to your Client’s homes and give a ride to a Caregiver. The Admin Team prepared all week with plans for the expected snow and ice. So grateful for everyone’s efforts! The New Year will be here soon. My tradition is to look back on the accomplishments and blessings and let that positive energy carry me into the New Year with hopes and dreams. As I look back on last year, COVID was actually harder for the business this year than the previous year. We also had many Caregivers stop working due to new babies or family members to care for. We appreciate the dedication of our Caregivers and Admin Team. We also appreciate our Clients for paying rates that allow us to pay our Caregivers a respectful wage. We love what we do and appreciate the opportunity to make a difference for our Clients and our Caregivers. Take Care. Melinda